San Fabiano Calcinaia

The Winery

The Società Agricola San Fabiano Calcinaia è situata tra le colline del prestigioso paesaggio chiantigiano.
Si estende al confine tra Poggibonsi e Castellina in Chianti per 134 Ha di cui 34 dedicati a vigneto,
di questi 16 Ha sono Chianti Classico DOCG.

Guido Serio e sua moglie Isa, i titolari, arrivati a San Fabiano nel 1983, si sono subito impegnati con investimenti volti a produrre vini di qualità, rinnovando vigneti, cantina di vinificazione ed invecchiamentocreando uno staff professionale e motivato.
Oggi San Fabiano Calcinaia produce 
vini pregiati, ottenuti esclusivamente con uve provenienti dai vigneti di proprietà, distribuiti ed apprezzati in tutto il mondo.
The conversione al biologico, iniziata nel 2009 e che ha coinvolto 
l’intera produzione è l’ultimo passo di una scelta aziendale che coniuga qualità e sostenibilità.
In azienda sono disponibili ville ed appartamenti con piscina ristrutturati ed arredati in stile toscano, dove trascorrere piacevoli momenti di relax, nella quiete della campagna toscana.

Our Wines

Oggi San Fabiano Calcinaia produce vini biologici apprezzati in tutto il mondo: il Chianti Classico Annata Docg, il Chianti Classico Gran Selezione “Cellole” Docg, il Chianti “Famalgallo” Docg, ilSupertuscan Cerviolo Rosso Igt, il Cabernet Sauvignon Igt, il Casa Boschino Igt, il Cerviolo Bianco Igt, una piccola produzione di Vin Santo del Chianti Classico; oltre naturalmente al profumato e fragrante Extra Virgin Olive Oil, anch’esso biologico.

The Territory

The Chianti Classico area, which stretches between Florence and Siena, has kept its physiognomy intact for the most part.

Agriculture is its predominant activity, an aspect that has made this land unique. Not only that, the work and dedication of man have further amplified the natural beauty of the place.

Due to the characteristics of the climate, soil and altitude, the land in this area is particularly suitable for the production of fine wines. The pride of this region is the Chianti Classico wine.

The Winery

San Fabiano Calcinaia winery is located among the hills of the beautiful Chianti countryside. It covers 165 Ha and consists of two separate parts: the first, in Poggibonsi, includes the offices, the winery and a big part of the vineyards; the second, in Castellina in Chianti, includes the agritourism and 25% of the other vineyards. Guido Serio and his wife Isa, the owners, arrived in San Fabiano in 1983, have immediately committed themselves with investments aimed at producing quality wines, renewing vineyards, wine and refinement cellars and creating a professional and motivated staff. Today San Fabiano Calcinaia produces quality wines, obtained exclusively from grapes of our vineyards, which are distributed and appreciated throughout the world. The conversion to organic farming, which began in 2009 and involved the entire production, is the last step in a company decision that combines quality and sustainability of production. In the farm are available villas and apartments with swimming pool renovated and furnished in Tuscan style, where you can spend pleasant moments of relax in the quiet of the Tuscan countryside.

Our Wines

Today San Fabiano Calcinaia produces organic wines appreciated all over the world: Chianti Classico Annata DOCG, Chianti Classico Gran Selezione "Cellole" DOCG, Chianti "Famalgallo" DOCG, the Supertuscan Cerviolo Rosso IGT, Cabernet Sauvignon IGT, Casa Boschino IGT , Cerviolo Bianco IGT, a small production of Vin Santo of Chianti Classico DOC and Grappa of Chianti Classico "Cellole"; important also our small production of the organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

The Territory

The Chianti Classico area, which stretches between Florence and Siena, has kept its physiognomy intact for the most part.

Agriculture is its predominant activity, an aspect that has made this land unique. Not only that, the work and dedication of man have further amplified the natural beauty of the place.

Due to the characteristics of the climate, soil and altitude, the land in this area is particularly suitable for the production of fine wines. The pride of this region is the Chianti Classico wine.